Physical Therapy for Persistent Pain

Physical therapy for persistent pain involves multiple techniques and interventions, including hands-on therapy, therapeutic exercise, and neuromuscular re-education, all designed to assist the body in healing and allow you to live a better quality of life. My approach considers your needs and goals to provide the best care possible. I believe in treating the whole person, mind, and body as one, not just the parts of the body that hurt.

Persistent pain is more than just a recurrent backache or an old sports injury that rears its ugly head now and again. People with persistent pain know it can affect far more than just the physical body. It affects our sense of self, relationships, work, and ability to participate fully in our lives.

Living with persistent pain can limit our lives in so many ways. My goal when working with patients with persistent pain is to help them reach their goals and get back to living the life they are intended to live.

Want to Know More About How I Can Help?

Let’s talk! Schedule a complimentary virtual consulation.