My Pelvic Organs Can Do What??

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a condition that occurs when one or more pelvic organs are no longer properly supported. While pregnancy can be a precipitating factor to prolapse, it can and does occur in people who have never been pregnant. There are a number of factors that contribute to support for the pelvic organs; pelvic floor muscles are one factor, but connective tissue such as fascia and ligaments also play a role in providing support. 

Since you know I’m an anatomy nerd who could go on all day about the inner workings of our bodies, I’ll try to make this part quick. There are different types of prolapse, named for the structures most affected by the decreased support: bladder (cystocele), uterus (uterine prolapse), urethra (urethrocele), or rectum (rectocele)

Sometimes a prolapse is diagnosed by a doctor during a pelvic exam, with the patient experiencing no symptoms. Other times, someone starts experiencing one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Heaviness in the pelvis, especially after high impact activities or being on your feet for a long time

  • Feeling like there is something in your vagina

  • A bulge that can be felt or seen at the vaginal opening

  • Low back pain 

  • Difficulty having bowel movements or feeling like you don’t empty completely 

  • Difficulty emptying your bladder or having to shift positions on the toilet to finish peeing

There are a number of things that you can do to help lessen and manage the symptoms of POP. If you think I’m going to suggest pelvic floor physical therapy, you are a freaking genius! Pelvic PT can help address common issues which affect POP, such as pelvic muscle weakness, constipation, and even how you’re moving throughout your day. Working with a pelvic floor PT (like me!) can help you feel better as well as keep the severity of your prolapse from worsening. 

AND, pelvic floor physical therapy is the first line of defense against helping to PREVENT pelvic floor prolapse!

Do you have questions about pelvic organ prolapse? Give me a shout!


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