There’s A Lube For Everyone!

Let’s talk about lube, baby (if you read that to the tune of “Let’s Talk About Sex”, you are my people). Lube can be an incredibly important part of fun, enjoyable sex. Yes, when aroused, the vagina does typically produce natural lubricant, but sometimes it’s just not enough. Hormone levels, age, stress, and medications are just a few of the things that can affect how much natural lubrication your vagina produces. And safe, fun anal sex requires a good lube, since there is no natural lubrication. Thankfully, there are a multitude of great lubes on the market ready to enhance your sexy time experiences. 

There are 3 basic types of lube on the market today: water based, silicone based, and oil based. They each have their pros and cons, depending on your needs and preferences

Water based lubes are probably the most common and most recommended type of lube on the market. There are multiple types available in drug stores and pharmacies, but some of the best brands are typically available online. High quality water based lubes stay slick without getting tacky or sticky. They wash off easily and have less chance of staining your sheets. Plus they’re compatible with condoms and silicone toys! 

Silicone based lubes can be a little harder to find in stores, but again good quality silicone based lube can be ordered. Silicone lube is typically a little slicker than water based lubes, with a different feel to it. It doesn’t wash off with just water, so it’s great for using for sex play in the shower or bath. A study of various types and brands of lubricants showed that silicone lube may be more friendly to fragile vaginal tissue, such as in people who are post-menopausal or otherwise deficient in estrogen. One note of caution - silicone lube and silicone toys don’t always play well together, so if toys are your thing, stick with a water based lube.

And finally, there are oil based lubes on the market. The oils used come from a variety of sources, with plant based oils being a popular ingredient. Oil based lubes provide a different type of feel, and are known for staying slick without the need to reapply for extended play. One downside of oil based lube is that it is likely to stain your sheets. And the big caveat for oil based lube - it is NOT compatible with latex condoms, so if you’re using condoms or latex dental dams, best to skip the oil based lube and  pick another variety.

Once you’ve determined which type of lube is best for you, selecting the right one boils down to personal preference. Do you like the feel? Does it stay slick as long as you need it to, or does it start to feel sticky, requiring you to stop mid play and reapply? If you have sensitive skin, does it contain ingredients that will be gentle to your skin and not cause irritation?

Using the right lube can enhance your pleasure, whether with a partner or flying solo. Have questions about what lube might be right for you? Hit me up, let’s chat!


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