Your Clitoris Is Amazing

Your clitoris is amazing! One of a kind. No really, it’s the only organ in the human body whose sole purpose is pleasure. That’s all it has to do - get you off. It has the ability to become erect, much like a penis. It can engorge up to 300% it’s normal size with arousal, and has more than double the nerve endings as a penis, making it an exquisitely sensitive organ. 

Your clitoris is an ageless beauty. It continues growing throughout your lifetime, and at 80 years old, it functions like a 20 year old clitoris. 50% to 75% of people with vulvas require clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm. In fact, your ability to have an orgasm from vaginal penetration only has way more to do with the anatomical distance from your clitoris to your vagina than on you or your partner’s sexual skills. 

Freud and his ilk can shove it with their misinformed ideas that women who have orgasms from clitoral stimulation were less mature and frigid compared to women who had orgasms from vaginal stimulation alone. He got it wrong. So, so wrong.

In fact we, as a scientific community, have been getting it wrong for centuries. In 1945, the 25th edition of Grey’s Anatomy (the book, not the show) didn’t even mention the clitoris, let alone give it props. Did you know that the clitoris is actually a clitoral complex?? The part that we see on the outside of the body, known as the glans, is just the tip of a much larger network of erectile tissue that becomes engorged with blood during arousal.  The G-spot is now understood to really be part of this erectile tissue that can be stimulated from inside the vagina in some people. 

That pretty purple structure in the picture is what your clitoral complex actually looks like. It took until 2009 (yes, this century) for a 3-d model of the entire clitoral complex to be produced. The glans is the hooked structure at the top, with the wishbone shaped crus and bulbs of the clitoris extending internally down either side of the vaginal opening. People who have a clitoris have been given this entire structure dedicated solely to making them feel good!

And that, my friends, is why you should give the clitoris some love.


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